Church carpet cleaning

Church Carpet Cleaning

Church Carpet Cleaning Over the years we have cleaned many different types of businesses, commercial premises and homes. Including in the work we have carried out is Church carpet cleaning. Church carpets are interesting in that there are normally not too many stains on the carpet at all. Also compared to other premises they are…

Couch Cleaning

Couch Cleaning Critters

Always something different Couch cleaning, sometimes things can get a little weird. The story of the snake on the couch is amusing. I arrived and the customer showed me the couch cleaning job I was to undertake. For a better look, I moved one of the scatter cushions to see the sight below. A 4…

Upholstery cleaning questions

Upholstery Cleaning Questions

Common upholstery cleaning questions answered We have been asked many different questions over the years. Following are some of the more common upholstery cleaning questions that have arisen.   Cleaning Method Q: How do you clean Upholstery? (What sort of cleaning method do you use?) A: Firstly , we use the Hot water Extraction (HWE) method.…