Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration Coming home to discover a washing machine stuck on fill. A hose has come adrift or even a plug left in a sink. It can be quite disheartening to discover expensive carpet and furnishings to be inundated with water. However this situation can be remedied with prompt attention and the right know-how.…

Lounge Suite Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning Brisbane

Upholstery Cleaning Brisbane Regular cleaning of upholstery is very important. Grease, oil and perspiration stains need to be removed in a timely manner. Otherwise permanent staining may result. Professional cleaning is recommended. Also operator knowledge will make a large difference to the result achieved. P.J’s Carpet Care have been upholstery cleaning Brisbane for over 25…

Carpet Cleaning Services Fabric Protection

Upholstered Furniture Stain Removal

Upholstered Furniture Stain Removal I often have some strange things to clean up after. And it’s not very often that something comes up that I haven’t seen before. From assorted animals, food and drink spills, nothing really surprises me anymore. So having to clean a couple of tub chairs with some interesting marks on them…